PEEF Scholarship for Intermediate Students

PEEF Scholarship for Intermediate Students

The Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) scholarship applications are available for Intermediate students studying at Forman Christian College for the year 2017-2018. People with disability, orphan, children of government employees (Grade 1-4), students from minority communities, and children of civilians martyred in terrorist attack are encouraged to apply. In order to get your PEEF application stamped and signed, please visit window #15, financial aid office before getting ahead with Vice Rector College office. Applicants are advised to submit their filled application directly to PEEF office in Person or through TCS before 10 January 2018.


The Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF),

Link Wahdat Road Lahore, 54600


Phone:(92) 423 99260051 – 54