Mohammad Asif Shami
Head of Department and Assistant Professor
MPhil Statistucs (GCU, Lahore)
MSc Statistics (Islamia University, Bahawalpur)
Room # 114, Sinclair Extension & Room # 017, Sinclair Hall
Ext: 746 & 372
Mr Asif shami is Assistant Professor of Statistics, serving as Head of Department since 2013. He took the responsibilities of Chief Proctor for Intermediate in 2015.
Mr Shami earned his Master’s degree with distinction from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. After
graduation, he joined Pakistan Bureau of Statistics under Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs in
2001 at Bahawalpur and got the experience of data collection and handling for more than two years. He also served for the Sales department of Standard Chartered Bank and ABN- Amro Bank in Lahore. He joined FC College in 2007 as a faculty member. He has taught Statistics at various levels in different institutes.
He completed his MPhil degree from Government College University, Lahore in 2018. The title of his
the research was “Designing of Repetitive and Multiple Dependent State (MDS) Type Control Chart for
Monitoring the Process Mean Using Difference in Difference Estimator.”
He has a vast experience of data analysis using different statistical soft-wares like SPSS, Minitab, R and