
Fee structure for 2023-2024 (in PKR)

Admission Security Total Tuition Fee TOTAL
Morning Program:
F.A. 19,000 25,000 208,000 252,000
I.Com 19,000 25,000 215,000 259,000
F.Sc. 19,000 25,000 230,000 274,000
I.C.S 19,000 25,000 245,000 289,000
Afternoon Program:
F.A. 19,000 25,000 180,000 224,000
I.Com 19,000 25,000 185,000 229,000
F.Sc. 19,000 25,000 185,000 229,000
I.C.S 19,000 25,000 215,000 259,000

Please note that fees are expected to increase each year depending on inflation and other costs.

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