Intermediate Free Book Bank holds Donor Appreciation Ceremony

Intermediate Free Book Bank held a Donor Appreciation Ceremony on May 25. Intermediate Free Book Bank is a society actively working to help needy and deserving students of Forman Christian College. It was established under the guidance of FCCU management by Head of Urdu Department and Assistant Professor, Siddiq Masi and Vice Chairman of Free Book Bank. The society is working on the College motto: “By Love, Serve One Another.”

The program began with recitation from the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible. Prof Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, General Secretary, conducted the program as Stage Coordinator. Vice Rector and Free Book Bank Chairman, Dr CJ Dubash was the chief guest. Assistant Professor, Siddiq Masih briefly talked about the background of Free Book Bank. Annual report of session 2016-17 was presented by Prof Johnson Rehmat, In-charge Buying and Issue. He informed the gathering that during the session, 217 books worth Rs 41, 370 were distributed among needy and deserving students of 1st and 2nd year. Others who spoke on the occasion included Tajammal H Jafri, Kashif Sharoon and Dr CJ Dubash. Certificates of Appreciation were distributed by Dr CJ Dubash and Assistant Profession, Siddiq Masih. Professor, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal thanked the participants before refreshments were served.