Teach Urdu Innovatively: An Interactive Workshop by TLF

The Learning Forum of Intermediate Urdu Department arranged another interactive workshop: Teach Urdu Innovatively on 23 March 2016. This workshop was held in Jacob Lal Din Seminar Room, Ewing Memorial Library. Dr Cusrow J Dubash, Vice Rector Intermediate, Educational Consultant, Passionate Teacher Trainer, Professor and Chairperson of Education Department (University), Dean Faculty of Education, was invited as the guest speaker. It was indeed a unique workshop with unique ideas. After the comprehensive introduction of Dr Dubash by the Coordinator of said Forum, Prof Tahir Masood. Dr Dubash shared several attractive activities regarding Urdu Language. Every activity was new and unique for the faculty. Handouts were given to the participants to fill out in the required time, this was done in order to demonstrate, how these activities should be carried out in the classrooms. In the end, Dr Dubash shared many useful aspects of creative writing including six steps of creativity. After this thought provoking session, faculty agreed on this point that by using discussed methodologies in the class, we can develop great interest in students about learning Urdu Language effectively. At the end of the session co-coordinator, Prof Hina Patrick gave vote of thanks to the honorable speaker and guests. Head of the Urdu Department, Dr Safdar Naeem presented a gift to the speaker.